Round Portal grey with blue stone gem

Creating a Portal on a Limited Budget: here's the one made for "Cronache di Nuova Speranza"

If you are a fan of live role-playing games and you are in San Girolamo di Guastalla, you might be interested in "Cronache di Nuova Speraza" an exciting role-playing game (at the end of the blog I'll leave you the FB link to their live)

Today I am going to show you how I, together with the staff, created a magical portal all with an initial budget of 500 euros, but with an actual expenditure of only 350 euros. Everything was possible thanks to teamwork together with the staff, us two women of small stature and the use of tools such as cutters and a tin soldering iron.


Two images the one on the left side is a simulation of budget, the right side one is preparatory draw of the project

Materials and Tools Used

To make our magic portal, we used only affordable tools: cutters and a tin soldering iron. These tools proved to be sufficient for our project, keeping costs low, but trying to create something really nice for the players!



Features of the Magic Portal

The end result was a magical portal that lights up, is lightweight, can be disassembled, and is easily transportable. We built solid concrete bases, which we then covered with rock spikes to give the portal an authentic look. In addition, we added a keystone that cleverly hid the joint between the bases, adding a touch of mystery.

Set of three images in work in progress: the first is the rounded portal, the second are the greenligths inside the portal and the third one are detail of the portal

The Flex-Foam It Tiles

One of the choices we made was the use of flex-foam it tiles, a product of smooth.on. These tiles are lightweight with a texture similar to foam rubber. However, with experience, we found that it would have been better to opt for foam-it, a material that expands but remains rigid and impermeable to water that we were not familiar with at the time, however. This choice would prove useful in protecting the portal from rain.

4 images that are rappresented work in progress

Love for the Project

Despite some decisions we would have made differently today, the end result was appreciated and filled us with joy. The creation of the magic portal was a fun and fulfilling experience, proving that even with a limited budget, creative and engaging projects are possible.

- low budget
- very beautiful
- lightweight
- dismountable
- quickly movable
- integrated lights
- very fun to build
- easy fast and cheap to repair
- very bulky
- battery operated lights!

- takes a lot of time
- you need space to build it
- you need a big car to carry the carry or materials to make it
- with flex-foam it if it rains and there is strong wind it gets soaked and is likely to break
- you have to remember to charge the batteries

The important thing is to enjoy the creative process and learn from your experiences. Have fun!

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